Our range of wholesale dairy products covers everything from cheese, milk, eggs, butter and yoghurt to buttermilk, creme fraiche and other cooking staples. For extra peace of mind, many of our products are Red Tractor or Lion accredited.
We also supply a complete range of wholesale cheese to meet your needs. You’ll find soft and creamy cheeses such as Camembert and Brie, semi-soft cheeses like Gouda, hard cheeses including Parmigiano Reggiano and classic British cheeses from Cheddar to Stilton.
Our wholesale egg products include both fresh eggs and pre-cooked scrambled eggs for maximum convenience.
Similarly, we supply top-quality whole, semi-skimmed and skimmed fresh wholesale milk in pack sizes from two-litre bottles to pergals: our range also includes powdered milk, condensed milk and UHT products.
We supply both salted and unsalted wholesale butter ideal for baking, cooking or spreading on toast, plus other spreads and fats perfect for cooking.
To help you cater for different dietary requirements, we also provide a range of dairy-free alternatives from brands such as Alpro, Kerry Food Service to Brakes own brand range.