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Supplier information and isupply

Brakes is committed to trading fairly, ensuring everyone in our supply chain is treated with fairness and respect at all times. Responsible and sustainable sourcing is central to all our procurement decisions. We never forget that we are a long-term customer to hundreds of our suppliers and we have the opportunity to work in partnership to make a real difference to people’s lives and the environment.

Through our close dealings and partnerships with a worldwide network of producers and manufacturers we are able to offer our customers over 40,000 product lines across Europe through our family of specialist businesses. Our highly experienced Procurement team knows that we work with our suppliers, they don’t work for us. Together we can source outstanding products whilst maintaining mutually beneficial commercial relationships and helping them to create and maintain responsible businesses and long term employment for their staff.

Supplying Brakes

We are always keen to work with suppliers that can offer us and our customers excellent quality and innovative products and services.  If you think your company can meet the exacting standards that we set our suppliers, please register your interest via the link below. Register with Brakes

Working with us "A supplier’s guide to our supply chain". Click here to download the brochure.

Nominated suppliers - Click here to download the brochure.

For any isupply queries please email - isupply.queries@brake.co.uk


  • Brakes isupply is an excellent new online tool for suppliers to the Brakes. It can help you improve your cash flow, plan more effectively and be more responsive and efficient...
  • Track, confirm and download your purchase orders and see when they have been received.
  • Perfect for just-in-time suppliers, real-time updates on product orders help you manage production throughout the day and avoids an end of day rush.
  • See a 12 months week sales analysis of your products, and get valuable information for forecasting and strategic business planning.
  • Plan your production with up to date stock level reports.
  • See consignment movements as they happen and self bill directly from isupply!
Suppliers already registered and trading with Brakes can use this link to access isupply. Login to isupply!