C 450605
White Potatoes CLASS II
Pack size: 1x25kg
Price Savers
Our Imperfect produce, provides you with all the freshness and vigorious quality checks of Class 1 but size, shape and colour may vary. Our Class II white skinned potatoes may vary in variety and look different but still offer great taste and value.
Our Imperfect produce, provides you with all the freshness and vigorious quality checks of Class 1 but size, shape and colour may vary. Our Class II white skinned potatoes may vary in variety and look different but still offer great taste and value.
Pack size: 1x25kg
Price Savers
Our Imperfect produce, provides you with all the freshness and vigorious quality checks of Class 1 but size, shape and colour may vary. Our Class II white skinned potatoes may vary in variety and look different but still offer great taste and value.
Our Imperfect produce, provides you with all the freshness and vigorious quality checks of Class 1 but size, shape and colour may vary. Our Class II white skinned potatoes may vary in variety and look different but still offer great taste and value.