A Ready baked round pie, comprising of chunks of beef, beef kidney (minced) and thick gravy in a light puff pastry case.
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Handling and Cooking
Food Safety Tips
Store below -18°C. Do not re-freeze after thawing Best Before and Frozen on Dates: See Side of Box
Cooking instructions
Oven Cooking Instructions
Oven cook From Frozen: Heating guidelines for pre-heated appliances: This is only a guide, equipment may vary. Heat from frozen in a fan assisted/gas oven for 40 minutes at 160°C/ gas mark 4 or in a pukka pies pie heater for 90 minutes on full. Conventional ovens may take longer than fan assisted ones.
Other Cooking Instructions
Heat from frozen. For best results, please heat pies in a conventional oven or pie heater rather than using a microwave. Leave the pie in its foil container. Place on a baking tray in the middle of the oven and heat for: For a Pre-heated Fan Assisted Oven/Gas oven: 1. Heating from Frozen - 40 minutes at 160°C (Gas Mark 4). Adjust the times according to your particular oven as conventional ovens may take longer to heat the product than fan assisted ovens. For warming in a pre-heated ‘Pukka Pies’ heater: 1. From frozen – 1½ hours on full. These are only guidelines as appliances may vary. Always check that food is piping hot throughout before serving.
All cooking appliances vary in performance, these cooking instructions are guidelines only.
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Prices are correct at the time of going to print, all information is subject to change without notice. Our product details, including product names, descriptions, specifications and images of serving suggestions, are not intended to constitute the full legal description of the products, and does not necessarily include all information including allergens. Brakes may change product specifications or information at any time and such amendments may not be updated online immediately. For full and up-to-date details including allergens, please refer to the product packaging or alternatively contact Brakes Customer care on 0345 606 9090. View our full Product Disclaimer
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