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 Search results  (72)

Showing 60 of 72

Prime Meats Gammon Half Joints
Prime Meats Gammon Half Joints
£85.52 est. £10.69/kg
£43.92 est. £5.49/kg
2 x 3-5kg

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Alec Jarrett British Beef Rib Joint Boneless
Alec Jarrett British Beef Rib Joint Boneless
£84.45 est. £16.89/kg
1 x 4.0-6.0kg

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Prime Meats British Pork Shoulder Roasting Joint
Prime Meats British Pork Shoulder Roasting Joint
£25.18 est. £12.59/kg
1 x 1.8-2.2kg

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Portico Premium Seabass Fillets
Portico Premium Seabass Fillets
£34.99 £3.50/ea
10 x 100-125g

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Sysco Classic British Cooked Sliced Turkey Breast
Sysco Classic British Cooked Sliced Turkey Breast
£101.99 £20.40/kg
5 x 1kg

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Brakes Slow Cooked Belly of Pork
Brakes Slow Cooked Belly of Pork
£66.19 £8.27/ea
8 x 315g (av)

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Prime Meats Gammon Joint
Prime Meats Gammon Joint
£66.40 est. £6.99/kg
1 x 8-11kg

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Alec Jarrett British Beef Topside
Alec Jarrett British Beef Topside
£68.28 est. £20.69/kg
1 x 2.6-4.0kg

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Prime Meats British Turkey Butterfly Breast
Prime Meats British Turkey Butterfly Breast
£51.95 est. £10.39/kg
1 x 4.75-5.25kg

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Quorn Roast Joint
Quorn Roast Joint
£22.99 £2.87/ea
8 x 454g

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Portico Premium Sea Bream Fillets (skin on, boneless)
Portico Premium Sea Bream Fillets (skin on, boneless)
£35.99 £3.00/ea
12 x 100-130g

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M&J Seafood Salmon Fillet Portions
M&J Seafood Salmon Fillet Portions
£57.59 £2.88/ea
20 x 80-100g

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Salmon Fillet Suprêmes
Salmon Fillet Suprêmes
£37.39 £3.74/ea
10 x 110-140g

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M&J Seafood Fruit de Mer (Premium Shell-on Seafood Mix)
M&J Seafood Fruit de Mer (Premium Shell-on Seafood Mix)
£19.09 £3.82/ea
5 x 400g

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M&J Seafood Scottish Salmon Fillet Suprêmes
M&J Seafood Scottish Salmon Fillet Suprêmes
£50.39 £5.04/ea
10 x 140-170g

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M&J Seafood Scottish Salmon Fillet Suprêmes
M&J Seafood Scottish Salmon Fillet Suprêmes
£61.19 £6.12/ea
10 x 170-200g

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Portico Premium British MSC Hake Supremes
Portico Premium British MSC Hake Supremes
£51.99 £5.20/ea
10 x 140-170g

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Alec Jarrett Beef Braising Daubes
Alec Jarrett Beef Braising Daubes
£54.99 £5.50/ea
10 x 283g

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Brakes Sweet Potato & Red Onion Marmalade Seeded Tart
Brakes Sweet Potato & Red Onion Marmalade Seeded Tart
£62.49 £3.47/ea
1 x 18

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Brakes Gluten Free Turkey Roulade
Brakes Gluten Free Turkey Roulade
£69.59 £2.90/ea
24 x 180g

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Quorn Vegan Fillets
Quorn Vegan Fillets
£18.99 £0.95/100g
1 x 2kg

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M&J Seafood MSC Salmon, Cod, Coconut & Lemongrass Fishcakes
M&J Seafood MSC Salmon, Cod, Coconut & Lemongrass Fishcakes
£31.99 £1.60/ea
20 x 110g

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Sysco Simply Plant Based Chestnut & Seed Roast
Sysco Simply Plant Based Chestnut & Seed Roast
£10.49 £0.87/ea
12 x 120g

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Sysco Classic Vegetable Kyiv
Sysco Classic Vegetable Kyiv
£56.79 £1.58/ea
36 x 140g

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Sysco Premium Fishless Fishcake
Sysco Premium Fishless Fishcake
£45.99 £1.53/ea
30 x 140g

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Browns BBQ Shredded Turkey and Cranberry
Browns BBQ Shredded Turkey and Cranberry
£6.79 £1.36/100g
1 x 500g

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Sysco Classic Boneless Turkey Breast 2.5Kg
Sysco Classic Boneless Turkey Breast 2.5Kg
£30.99 £12.40/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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Carisma Buttermilk Turkey Burger
Carisma Buttermilk Turkey Burger
£41.09 £1.37/ea
30 x 100g

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British Turkey Thigh Roll
British Turkey Thigh Roll
£13.98 est. £6.99/kg
1 x 1.5 - 2Kg

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Prime Meats British Turkey Breast Single Whole Lobe
Prime Meats British Turkey Breast Single Whole Lobe
£35.55 est. £16.69/kg
1 x 2kg average

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Sysco Classic Roast Turkey Breast Joint
Sysco Classic Roast Turkey Breast Joint
£91.59 £2.78/100g
1 x 3.29kg (50 slices)

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British Diced Skinless Turkey Thigh
British Diced Skinless Turkey Thigh
£32.89 £14.49/kg
1 x 2.27kg

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Sysco Classic Cooked Turkey Saddle
Sysco Classic Cooked Turkey Saddle
£48.79 £13.94/Kg
1 x 3.5kg

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British Red Tractor  Lamb Racks (French trimmed)
British Red Tractor Lamb Racks (French trimmed)
£159.58 est. £56.59/kg
6 x 400-540g

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Prime Meats British Skin On Chicken Suprêmes
Prime Meats British Skin On Chicken Suprêmes
£25.79 £2.58/ea
10 x 200-230g

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Prime Meats British Turkey Crown
Prime Meats British Turkey Crown
£91.12 est. £11.39/kg
1 x 7-9kg

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British Red Tractor  Lamb Shanks
British Red Tractor Lamb Shanks
£59.79 £9.97/ea
6 x 350 - 450g

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Unbanded Turkey Butterfly Skin On
Unbanded Turkey Butterfly Skin On
£43.52 est. £8.29/kg
£41.95 est. £7.99/kg
1 x 4-6.5kg

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Gressingham Skin On 2 Duck Breasts
Gressingham Skin On 2 Duck Breasts
£13.29 £6.65/ea
2 x 200-225g

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Gressingham Duck Legs 1kg
Gressingham Duck Legs 1kg
£11.59 £11.59/kg
1 x 1kg

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Salt & Pepper Beef Featherblade
Salt & Pepper Beef Featherblade
£65.29 £6.53/ea
10 x 210g

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Halal Cooked Turkey Bacon Rashers
Halal Cooked Turkey Bacon Rashers
£14.69 £14.69/kg
1 x 1kg

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Turkey Breast Single Whole Lobe
Turkey Breast Single Whole Lobe
£21.48 est. £8.59/kg
1 x 2-3kg

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British Turkey Escalopes
British Turkey Escalopes
£22.49 £2.25/ea
10 x 115g

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British Diced Turkey Breast
British Diced Turkey Breast
£39.79 £15.92/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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JCS Whole Salmon Fillet (Skin on Boneless)
JCS Whole Salmon Fillet (Skin on Boneless)
£89.99 £30.00/kg
3 x 1kg

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M&J Seafood Scottish Loch Trout Fillet Suprêmes
M&J Seafood Scottish Loch Trout Fillet Suprêmes
£27.99 £2.80/ea
10 x 140-170g

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Sysco Classic Beef Slverside Joint
Sysco Classic Beef Slverside Joint
£42.87 est. £12.99/kg
1 x 2.6-4kg

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Sysco Classic Beef Ribeye Joint
Sysco Classic Beef Ribeye Joint
£105.16 est. £26.29/kg
2 x 1.5-2.5kg

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La Tua Tortelloni Beetroot and Goats Cheese
La Tua Tortelloni Beetroot and Goats Cheese
£46.99 £1.57/100g
3 x 1kg

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Whitby Seafoods Gluten Free Whole Tail Scampi
Whitby Seafoods Gluten Free Whole Tail Scampi
£9.99 £1.67/100g
1 x 600g

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Sysco Classic Pork Belly Porchetta
Sysco Classic Pork Belly Porchetta
£19.76 est. £11.29/kg
£17.48 est. £9.99/kg
1 x 1.5-2.0kg

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Brakes Camembert, Fig & Onion Tart
Brakes Camembert, Fig & Onion Tart
£38.59 £3.22/ea
12 x 250g

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Brakes Cumin Butternut Squash & Lentil Wellington
Brakes Cumin Butternut Squash & Lentil Wellington
£37.29 £3.73/ea
10 x 192g

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Sysco Classic Chateaubriand of Beef
Sysco Classic Chateaubriand of Beef
£43.85 est. £19.49/kg

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Pre-Cooked Beef Brisket
Pre-Cooked Beef Brisket
£42.98 est. £21.49/kg
1 x 1-3kg

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Pre-Cooked Pork Belly
Pre-Cooked Pork Belly
£26.78 est. £13.39/kg
1 x 1-3kg

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Pre-Cooked Chicken Thigh Joint
Pre-Cooked Chicken Thigh Joint
£22.29 £11.15/kg
1 x 2kg

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Pre-Cooked Beef Topside
Pre-Cooked Beef Topside
£56.22 est. £22.49/kg
1 x 2-3kg

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Sysco Essentials Salmon Fillet Portions (skin on & boneless)
Sysco Essentials Salmon Fillet Portions (skin on & boneless)
£31.89 £3.19/ea
10 x 110-140g

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