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 Search results  (25)

Showing 25 of 25

Browns BBQ Shredded Turkey and Cranberry
Browns BBQ Shredded Turkey and Cranberry
£6.79 £1.36/100g
1 x 500g

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Turkey Breast Single Whole Lobe
Turkey Breast Single Whole Lobe
£21.48 est. £8.59/kg
1 x 2-3kg

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Unbanded Turkey Butterfly Skin On
Unbanded Turkey Butterfly Skin On
£43.52 est. £8.29/kg
£41.95 est. £7.99/kg
1 x 4-6.5kg

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Halal Cooked Turkey Bacon Rashers
Halal Cooked Turkey Bacon Rashers
£14.69 £14.69/kg
1 x 1kg

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British Turkey Thigh Roll
British Turkey Thigh Roll
£13.98 est. £6.99/kg
1 x 1.5 - 2Kg

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British Turkey Escalopes
British Turkey Escalopes
£22.49 £2.25/ea
10 x 115g

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Carisma Buttermilk Turkey Burger
Carisma Buttermilk Turkey Burger
£41.09 £1.37/ea
30 x 100g

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Prime Meats British Turkey Butterfly Breast
Prime Meats British Turkey Butterfly Breast
£51.95 est. £10.39/kg
1 x 4.75-5.25kg

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Prime Meats British Turkey Crown
Prime Meats British Turkey Crown
£91.12 est. £11.39/kg
1 x 7-9kg

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Brakes Gluten Free Turkey Roulade
Brakes Gluten Free Turkey Roulade
£69.59 £2.90/ea
24 x 180g

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Brakes Easy Carve Turkey Breast
Brakes Easy Carve Turkey Breast
£53.69 £13.42/kg
1 x 4kg

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British Diced Turkey Breast
British Diced Turkey Breast
£39.79 £15.92/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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Sysco Classic Boneless Turkey Breast 2.5Kg
Sysco Classic Boneless Turkey Breast 2.5Kg
£30.99 £12.40/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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British Diced Skinless Turkey Thigh
British Diced Skinless Turkey Thigh
£32.89 £14.49/kg
1 x 2.27kg

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Sysco Classic British Cooked Sliced Turkey Breast
Sysco Classic British Cooked Sliced Turkey Breast
£101.99 £20.40/kg
5 x 1kg

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Sysco Classic Thick Cut Roast Turkey Breast
Sysco Classic Thick Cut Roast Turkey Breast
£3.70 £0.81/100g
1 x 454g (av. 10 slices)

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Sysco Essentials Cooked Sliced Smoked Turkey Breast
Sysco Essentials Cooked Sliced Smoked Turkey Breast
£16.39 £3.61/100g
1 x 454g (av. 16 slices)

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Sysco Essentials Wafer Thin Cooked Turkey Breast
Sysco Essentials Wafer Thin Cooked Turkey Breast
£9.99 £2.20/100g
1 x 454g

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Sysco Classic Roast Turkey Breast Joint
Sysco Classic Roast Turkey Breast Joint
£91.59 £2.78/100g
1 x 3.29kg (50 slices)

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Sysco Classic Cooked Turkey Saddle
Sysco Classic Cooked Turkey Saddle
£48.79 £13.94/Kg
1 x 3.5kg

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Brakes Gluten Free Cooked Pigs in Blankets
Brakes Gluten Free Cooked Pigs in Blankets
£27.99 £0.28/ea
100 x 14g (av)

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Love Fresh Christmas Savoury Filling
Love Fresh Christmas Savoury Filling
£17.19 £1.72/100g
1 x 1kg

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Brakes Essentials Boneless Turkey Breast
Brakes Essentials Boneless Turkey Breast
£38.09 £14.00/kg
1 x 2.72kg

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Prime Meats British Turkey Breast Single Whole Lobe
Prime Meats British Turkey Breast Single Whole Lobe
£35.55 est. £16.69/kg
1 x 2kg average

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Prime Meats British Boneless Turkey Breast & Thigh Roll
Prime Meats British Boneless Turkey Breast & Thigh Roll
£83.94 est. £13.99/kg
1 x 5-7kg

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