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 Search results  (167)

Showing 60 of 167

Love Fresh Christmas Savoury Filling
Love Fresh Christmas Savoury Filling
£17.19 £1.72/100g
1 x 1kg

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La Boulangerie French Macaroon Selection
La Boulangerie French Macaroon Selection
£48.99 £0.68/ea
1 x 72

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Sysco Premium Mini Chocolate Croustillant
Sysco Premium Mini Chocolate Croustillant
£56.39 £2.01/ea
1 x 36

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Sysco Premium Mini Raspberry & Rosewater Flavour Cheesecake
Sysco Premium Mini Raspberry & Rosewater Flavour Cheesecake
£29.49 £1.05/ea
1 x 28

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M&J Seafood Smoked Salmon Canapes
M&J Seafood Smoked Salmon Canapes
£71.99 £1.20/ea
1 x 60

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Sysco Classic British Roasting Parsnips
Sysco Classic British Roasting Parsnips
£7.29 £0.49/100g
1 x 1.5kg

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Brakes Broccoli, Cauliflower & Baby Carrots Medley
Brakes Broccoli, Cauliflower & Baby Carrots Medley
£9.89 £0.66/100g
1 x 1.5kg

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Brakes Crunchy Breaded Onion Rings
Brakes Crunchy Breaded Onion Rings
£4.69 £0.47/100g
1 x 1kg

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Sysco Essentials Wafer Thin Cooked Turkey Breast
Sysco Essentials Wafer Thin Cooked Turkey Breast
£9.99 £2.20/100g
1 x 454g

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M&J Seafood Smoked Salmon Blinis
M&J Seafood Smoked Salmon Blinis
£69.99 £0.97/ea
72 x 10g

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Brakes Vegetarian Party Quiche Assortment
Brakes Vegetarian Party Quiche Assortment
£39.99 £0.56/ea
1 x 72

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Brakes Mini Chocolate Cups - Italian Selection
Brakes Mini Chocolate Cups - Italian Selection
£35.79 £0.99/ea
1 x 36

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Portico Premium Seabass Fillets
Portico Premium Seabass Fillets
£34.99 £3.50/ea
10 x 100-125g

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Brakes Mini British Chicken & Bacon Pies
Brakes Mini British Chicken & Bacon Pies
£45.09 £0.94/ea
48 x 26g

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Brakes Mini British Peppered Steak Pies
Brakes Mini British Peppered Steak Pies
£49.29 £1.03/ea
48 x 26g

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Brakes Mini British Cottage Pies
Brakes Mini British Cottage Pies
£41.79 £0.87/ea
48 x 24g

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Sysco Classic British Cooked Sliced Turkey Breast
Sysco Classic British Cooked Sliced Turkey Breast
£101.99 £20.40/kg
5 x 1kg

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Brakes Mini Savoury Puff Tart Selection
Brakes Mini Savoury Puff Tart Selection
£44.19 £0.92/ea
1 x 48

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La Boulangerie Mini Chocolate Eclairs
La Boulangerie Mini Chocolate Eclairs
£42.19 £0.59/ea
1 x 72

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Prawn Twisters
Prawn Twisters
£24.79 £3.10/100g
32 x 25g

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Celebrations Bulk
Celebrations Bulk
£29.29 £11.72/kg
1 x 2.43kg

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Brakes Mini Cheeseburger Crostini
Brakes Mini Cheeseburger Crostini
£49.99 £1.04/ea
48 x 24g

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Brakes Mini Yorkshire Pudding Selection
Brakes Mini Yorkshire Pudding Selection
£55.79 £1.16/ea
48 x 14g

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Fresh Marinated Mixed Olives
Fresh Marinated Mixed Olives
£19.19 £19.19/kg
1 x 1kg

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Sysco Classic 10" Baked Cheese & Onion Quiche
Sysco Classic 10" Baked Cheese & Onion Quiche
£17.39 £1.45/ptn
1 x 1

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Prime Meats Gammon Joint
Prime Meats Gammon Joint
£66.40 est. £6.99/kg
1 x 8-11kg

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Sysco Essentials Cooked Sliced Smoked Turkey Breast
Sysco Essentials Cooked Sliced Smoked Turkey Breast
£16.39 £3.61/100g
1 x 454g (av. 16 slices)

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Sysco Classic Thick Cut Roast Turkey Breast
Sysco Classic Thick Cut Roast Turkey Breast
£3.70 £0.81/100g
1 x 454g (av. 10 slices)

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Sysco Classic 10" Baked Roast Mushroom Quiche
Sysco Classic 10" Baked Roast Mushroom Quiche
£23.39 £1.95/ptn
1 x 12 ptn

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Scotch Eggs
Scotch Eggs
£12.79 £1.60/ptn
8 x 113g

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Brakes Provencale Bean Salad
Brakes Provencale Bean Salad
£23.19 £0.58/ptn
1 x 2kg (40 ptn)

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Sysco Classic 10" Baked Roast Mediterranean Vegetable Quiche
Sysco Classic 10" Baked Roast Mediterranean Vegetable Quiche
£26.09 £2.17/ptn

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Brakes Lamb Kofta
Brakes Lamb Kofta
£56.09 £1.40/ea
40 x 70g

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Cypressa Bar Mix Olives (Pitted)
Cypressa Bar Mix Olives (Pitted)
£13.09 £13.09/kg
1 x 1kg

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Breaded Butterfly Coconut King Prawns
Breaded Butterfly Coconut King Prawns
£27.99 £27.99/kg
1 x 1kg (65)

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M&J Seafood Salmon Fillet Portions
M&J Seafood Salmon Fillet Portions
£57.59 £2.88/ea
20 x 80-100g

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Sea Dragon Coated Whitebait (H&G)
Sea Dragon Coated Whitebait (H&G)
£5.29 £0.12/100g
1 x 454g

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Brakes Mini Lemon Posset Choux
Brakes Mini Lemon Posset Choux
£32.09 £1.34/ea
1 x 24

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Whitby Southern Fried Popcorn Shrimp
Whitby Southern Fried Popcorn Shrimp
£6.39 £1.42/100g
1 x 450g

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Brakes Vegan Mini Mocha Cake
Brakes Vegan Mini Mocha Cake
£38.09 £2.12/ea
18 x 70g

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Brakes Porcini Mushroom Arancini
Brakes Porcini Mushroom Arancini
£30.39 £0.76/ea
40 x 35g

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Whitby Bengali Spiced King Prawns
Whitby Bengali Spiced King Prawns
£26.99 £4.50/ea
6 x 450g

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Brakes Essentials Breaded Halloumi Fries
Brakes Essentials Breaded Halloumi Fries
£17.69 £1.77/100g
1 x 1kg

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Brakes Sweet Potato & Red Onion Marmalade Seeded Tart
Brakes Sweet Potato & Red Onion Marmalade Seeded Tart
£62.49 £3.47/ea
1 x 18

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Sea Dragon Blanchbait
Sea Dragon Blanchbait
£7.69 £1.69/100g
1 x 454g

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Love Fresh Bombay Rice Salad
Love Fresh Bombay Rice Salad
£20.09 £1.00/100g
1 x 2kg

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Tipiak Vegan Cocktail Selection
Tipiak Vegan Cocktail Selection
£32.29 £0.90/ea
1 x 36

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Daloon Mini Vegetable Samosa
Daloon Mini Vegetable Samosa
£49.89 £0.42/ea
120 x 30g

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Sysco Simply Plant Based Chestnut & Seed Roast
Sysco Simply Plant Based Chestnut & Seed Roast
£10.49 £0.87/ea
12 x 120g

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Sysco Classic 10" Baked Quiche Lorraine
Sysco Classic 10" Baked Quiche Lorraine
£17.19 £1.43/ptn
1 x 12 ptn

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La Boulangerie Caramelised Biscuit Chouxnut
La Boulangerie Caramelised Biscuit Chouxnut
£29.89 £2.49/ea
1 x 12

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Sysco Classic White Chocolate & Raspberry Traycake
Sysco Classic White Chocolate & Raspberry Traycake
£45.89 £1.53/ea
1 x 30ptn

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Sysco Classic Trio of Falafel
Sysco Classic Trio of Falafel
£51.39 £0.57/ea
3 x 30

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Brakes Shortcrust Pastry Blocks
Brakes Shortcrust Pastry Blocks
£19.19 £4.80/ea
1 x 4

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Sysco Classic Sliced Honey Roast Ham
Sysco Classic Sliced Honey Roast Ham
£9.99 £2.20/100g
1 x 454g (av. 12 slices)

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Sysco Premium Sliced Wiltshire Cured British Ham
Sysco Premium Sliced Wiltshire Cured British Ham
£12.79 £2.82/100g
1 x 454g

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Sysco Classic Citrus Traycake
Sysco Classic Citrus Traycake
£44.39 £1.48/ea
1 x 30

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Sysco Classic Seasoned Wedges
Sysco Classic Seasoned Wedges
£7.19 £2.88/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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Brakes Gluten Free Pork Chipolata's Wrapped in Bacon
Brakes Gluten Free Pork Chipolata's Wrapped in Bacon
£65.59 £0.66/ea
100 x 42g

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British Diced Skinless Turkey Thigh
British Diced Skinless Turkey Thigh
£32.89 £14.49/kg
1 x 2.27kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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VAT applicable