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GLOBALG.A.P. Accreditation

GLOBALG.A.P. (Good Agricultural Practices) is a set of voluntary standards and certification which assesses all agricultural and aquacultural practices around the globe.

It gives assurance that food is produced whilst minimising the detrimental environmental impacts of farming operations, reducing the use of chemical inputs and ensuring a responsible approach to worker health and safety as well as animal welfare. Farms are independently audited and in some cases this can be as frequently as twice a year. All Pauleys products are GLOBALG.A.P. accredited, as is a selection of M&J Seafood products.


The Global Aquaculture Alliance advocates, educates and demonstrates responsible aquaculture practices to feed and employ future generations.

GAA has made a long-standing commitment to advance responsible aquaculture practices, defend the farmed fish and seafood industry through well-founded science and grow a sustainable global seafood supply.

It was back in 1997 when the GAA and its founding stakeholder members identified the very important role fish and seafood has in feeding the growing world population and united to lead the international aquaculture industry with sustainable practices. Today, these visionary guiding principles that respect environmental and social responsibility remain relevant and have improved aquaculture practices throughout the farming, processing and distribution of aquaculture products.

Through advocacy, educational outreach, scientific research and global leadership, the GAA continues to champion best aquaculture practices and expand the available supply of seafood from Best Aquaculture Practices-certified facilities.


From its inception, GAA made the decision to work with all stakeholders to bring the ethos of responsible aquaculture development to as many producers as possible. To do this, we created Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) facility certification standards that are rigorous and comprehensive. And we have created a system to certify compliance using independent, experienced and fully credentialed ISO 65-accredited certification bodies.

BAP certification defines the most important elements of responsible aquaculture and provides quantitative guidelines by which to evaluate adherence to those practices for processing plants, farms, hatcheries and feed mills. The number of BAP-certified facilities worldwide grows daily.

To learn more about the BAP certification process and standards or to search BAP-certified facilities visit here


There are hundreds of wild and farmed species of fish and seafood available, and choosing to source and promote a greater variety helps spread demand and ease the pressure on more popular stocks.

Through our literature, website and our people we take every opportunity to persuade chefs and restauranteurs to use underutilised species and make more sustainable choices for their menus.


We work with all aspects of the fish and seafood community (including fishermen, research agencies and key industry bodies) to monitor the viability of fish stocks.

When we find that species are under threat and in danger of being unsustainable we make the decision to no longer supply the species.

We were first to ban species such as bluefin tuna, European eel and shark in foodservice and will continue to monitor fish stocks, ceasing trading in any species whose stock levels are thought to be vulnerable.

We do not support commercial whaling activities and expect the same of our suppliers. We continue to work tirelessly to maintain the integrity of our supply chains.