The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is the leading standard and ecolabel for sustainable wild-caught fish and seafood. Founded in the wake of the Grand Banks cod collapse, the MSC programme makes it possible to identify and reward sustainable fishing practices with an independent, transparent and science-based programme. Any fish bearing the MSC ecolabel can be traced back to a certified sustainable source. The programme is underpinned by rigorous scientific assessments, DNA testing and trace-backs to ensure that the fish and seafood with the MSC label is from a sustainable and well-managed fishery.
We are proud of our sustainable heritage having been the first foodservice supplier in the UK to offer a MSC-approved product in 2003 (F35019 M&J Seafood MSC Fishwich, 48x85g - a product that is still live in the business today) and are able to offer the largest MSC-certified product range (with around 150 general sale products) and range of certified species of any UK foodservice supplier. We remain committed to extending our range of MSC-approved products further whilst also actively expanding into farmed fish and seafood (aquaculture). Our focus and dedication to providing the leading sustainable fish and seafood range in UK foodservice saw us awarded the inaugural MSC Fish Supplier of the Year in 2014, retaining the award in eight years in a row!
MSC Chain of Custody ensures traceability of certified sustainable fish and seafood through every stage of processing, from fishery to final consumer. All companies that handle or sell MSC certified products, must have Chain of Custody certification. Brakes received MSC Group certification (Chain of Custody Number: MSC-C-50678) as the first foodservice supplier in the UK in 2003, giving customers confidence that the product they are purchasing comes from a fishery certified against the MSC Standard. Certified companies buying MSC certified seafood can use the blue MSC ecolabel to promote these products and their commitment to sourcing sustainable seafood. For further details visit the MSC website.
Fish and Kids is the MSC’s education programme. It offers children, teachers, parents and caterers the opportunity to find out why choosing sustainable fish and seafood is vital for the future of fish, fishing communities and the environment.
Brakes operates the largest Group Chain of Custody certificate in the UK enabling school caterers and LEAs to gain MSC certification for their schools so they can use the blue MSC ecolabel on their school menu. They can also use the free Fish and Kids educational resources to teach children about marine sustainability and their impact as consumers
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